Comment entretenir et nettoyer votre tapis tufté?

How to maintain and clean your tufted rug?

Tufted rugs, made by hand with a tufting gun, are both precious and unique. To extend their lifespan and maintain their aesthetics, regular maintenance and proper cleaning are essential. In this article, we offer you...
Comment étirer votre tissu sur le cadre de tufting? - LeTufting

How to stretch your fabric over the tufting frame?

Tufting is a technique which allows you to create creations by inserting wool or acrylic threads through a stretched fabric, using a tufting gun . An essential element to practice this activity in the best...
Quel tissu de tufting choisir pour vos projets touffetés ? - LeTufting

Which tufting fabric to choose for your tufted projects?

Do you want to get started with tufted creations, but you don't know which fabric to use? Little imports the final rendering, CUT or LOOP , the choice of tufting fabric is decisive to obtain...
Help Center LeTufting : comment utiliser l’aide en ligne ? - LeTufting

LeTufting Help Center: how to use the online help?

Whether you are an expert or a novice, caring support is always appreciated to help you progress in your tufting practice. Maybe you need some tips on how to properly stretch your monk's cloth, to...
Workshop tufting à la Villa Arson - LeTufting

Tufting workshop at Villa Arson

Tufting is a carpet manufacturing technique which involves inserting strands of wool and acrylic fibers through a stretched canvas using a tufting gun . This method is appreciated for its speed of production and the...
Comment apprendre la technique du tufting ? - LeTufting

How to learn the tufting technique?

Are you interested in this artisanal weaving technique, but you don't really know where to start? Do not panic ! By following our guide, you will master the tufting technique in a safe and above...
Comment nettoyer et lubrifier mon tufting gun? - LeTufting

How do I clean and lubricate my tufting gun?

The tufting gun is an electric machine that needs to be oiled and cleaned as often as possible. Otherwise, your tufting gun may overheat and cause the engine to stop. In this article, we will...
Quels types de laine dois-je utiliser pour faire du tufting? - LeTufting

What types of yarn should I use for tufting?

Are you starting tufting, but you don't know what type of thread to use? Don't worry, this article is for you. We'll guide you so you can start making your tufted creations with the right...
Tufting gun : quel est le meilleur pistolet à touffeter ? - LeTufting

Tufting gun: what is the best tufting gun?

Do you want to buy a tufting gun, but are you a little lost? You don't know which tufting gun to use for creating your carpet? Do not panic ! Thanks to this comparative table,...