About Us

Our mission

Whether you are a beginner looking for advice on choosing your first tufting gun or an expert looking to perfect your technique, we are here to help you progress in your tufting practice. At Letufting, we hope you find the support you need.
Our online store offers a range of products - from tufting guns to fabrics and accessories - all rigorously tested and approved by our team of passionate experts before dispatch from our warehouse in Nice. We aim to offer you the best in terms of quality and reliability, without intermediaries or unpleasant surprises.

To support your learning path, we have set up a Help-center accessible online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, entirely in French. We offer exclusive video tutorials to customers who have purchased a tufting gun on our platform. In addition, we are easily reachable via social networks, by email, WhatsApp and telephone, always ready to answer your questions and resolve your doubts at each stage of your project. Finally, for an even more concrete learning experience, we also organize workshops in Nice.

Who are we?

A graduate of Villa Arson in Nice, Karima has always had a passion for designing objects. However, his first steps in tufting were more complicated than expected, mainly due to the lack of quality material and information available. Several times, she thought about giving up everything. It was then that her brother, Mohamed, co-founder of Letufting, developer and maker, took apart the device she had managed to buy. He analyzed its operation in detail and designed a user manual for it.

It was then that they together began to immerse themselves in this universe with the aim of making it accessible. This is how they began to draw the first outlines of what is today Letufting.fr.